jprd 2 hours ago

So, is the celebration around how Musk was able to use his money to NDA local officials and bypass normal procedures while consuming vast resources from the community?

I know as a community we aren't actually thinking Musk somehow had any technical input or assistance in this endeavor beyond encouraging the shady or strong-arm biz practices that skirt regulations and labor laws, right?

  • dialup_sounds an hour ago

    Diverting $500 million of GPUs from a public company you're CEO of to one of your private ventures is a highly technical skill.

blackeyeblitzar 18 minutes ago

Is this a misleading claim? Wouldn’t it take a lot more time to acquire racks, cables, other computer components, install them all, supply power, cooling, etc? Or is it more like they got all that lined up ahead of time and then just did the GPU portions of the overall project in a short amount of time?

  • Ekaros 12 minutes ago

    I really doubt this is apples to apples comparison... More like apples to orchid.. 4 year timeframe likely includes all steps of planning, and then probably also building new datacentre from ground up. Including any ground works and permits.

    19 days is likely not that special time if you have everything lined up and enough people working 24/19... And I think lot of planning time was not included in that 19 days.