varun_chopra 2 hours ago

This post comes at a great time. I've been looking into what the "perfect" stack would be for me (I'm OK with Python but haven't done any frontend work).

Is anyone actually using FastAPI in a commercial, large scale app? Would you prefer using...say Django or Flask + Gevent (since they're more mature) over FastAPI?

I recently found this thread[1] about FastAPI. It's somewhat old now but reviews are mixed. I'm wondering if the landscape has improved now. Additionally, OP is using NextJS for the frontend and even that isn't without complaints[2]. What's odd for me is that the React website also asks you to pick between either Next.js or Remix[3].




  • ruicaridade 2 hours ago

    Indeed, we use FastAPI in quite a large scale! I would not trade FastAPI for anything else at this point. Before the typing module became ubiquitous there used to be a lot of "magic" frameworks that made heavy use of Python's dynamic nature; both Django and Flask fall within this category: I am not a fan of untyped Python, at all.

    There's some gotchas in the way FastAPI works, mostly due to its usage of thread pools and the GIL. I would recommend anyone starting a project to exclusively use asynchronous I/O (SQLAlchemy supports async with asyncpg), as FastAPI is very clearly meant as a pure ASGI framework, despite what they claim.

daft_pink 2 hours ago

I’m really interested in how you got the auth to interoperate between nextjs and python. I find auth to be the most difficult part of making blended code projects with JavaScript on the frontend like this.

  • eigenvalue 2 hours ago

    Well you don't really need to get the auth to interoperate per se; the only machine that is allowed to connect to the FastAPI backend is the machine running the NextJS app, and it passes along the email address of the user making the request to the FastAPI backend.

    And the user auth stuff in NextJS is incredibly easy using the standard Next-Auth flow:

    You basically just set up a new application in the Google Cloud console, enable the Google Plus API for the app, and create the OAuth keys, and that's about it. Just add the secret key and identifier to your .env file for the NextJS app and it "just works".

  • twolf910616 2 hours ago

    authn or authz? Authentication is not terrible to build but authorization yeah, I'm totally with you there. It's hard.

bilekas 2 hours ago

Is your link working or maybe am I blocked on my network ?

If it's not working, then maybe maybe python the backend wasn't the best idea in the end?

  • eigenvalue 2 hours ago

    It's working for me, and I see lots of traffic coming to it, so it's probably blocked for you. Most likely because it has "youtube" in the url!

asplake 2 hours ago

Oh, SQLModel [1] looks interesting – hadn't seen that before. For apps with html front ends, are people replacing WTForms?


  • eigenvalue 2 hours ago

    It's such a game changer... I always had the thought before in the back of my mind, "Why do I need to create two versions of every data model that basically specify the same information (field name and type)?" And it turns out, you don't have to do that, you can use the same model for both the ORM and the response validation schema.

    • asplake 2 hours ago

      Right! And the forms too? Got to say though, even if it doesn't do the html generation that WTForms does, it seems the better split.

      • eigenvalue an hour ago

        No it doesn't do any forms stuff, but you can easily get the forms using your preferred UI framework from the data model definitions themselves using an LLM.