celticninja 11 hours ago

Love this, just a silly site for no reason other than a bit of fun

axiolite 13 hours ago

Meh on the whole thing. If your eyes aren't both focusing quite right, or you pull the two apart a little bit too much, you will see through binoculars in a figure 8, too.

It's a fools errand to take cinematography too literally as what a character can actually see. Should films also show the chromatic aberrations, adjust the camera to match the main character's eyes focusing, simulate blinking, eye 'floaters', and more?

And how about films in caves? Take away the last little bit of light for realism, so the audience is completely blinded, watching a black screen like the character(s)? Never mind that viewers of films don't get to smell, feel, interact with the world as they choose, as the actual character in the film would.