Show HN: I made a debuggable BASIC-esque scripting language for C#
fadebasic.comI wanted to share my progress on a personal language project. I made a scripting language based off Dark Basic Pro's style of BASIC syntax. The scripting language is for C#. It is debuggable, and has very few dependencies. I have an LSP and DAP set up in an extension for vscode.
The scripting language can call into C# methods via a source-generated delegate function, so it avoids runtime reflection, which makes it not terribly slow as far as things go.
My long term goal is create a set of commands that interface with Monogame, and build a game about making games in the early 2000's when I was learning to program in Dark Basic Pro. But that goal is super far in the future, and I figured I'd try and package up what I had so far. I have more documentation to write, but I figure I'm always going to have more documentation to write.
I don't really advocate that anyone USE this scripting language in a real project other than me... but I think its cool and it has been a blast to create. I wanted to share my work :) Thanks, all.